5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Net Lease Retail’s Momentum
This investment segment is running counter to the disruptions in the general retail sector and the economy, notes Matthew Mousavi of SRS' National Net Lease Group.
1. The Election: The outcome of the election, at least at this point in time, indicates a minimal impact—if any—to the current pricing we’re seeing for single-tenant net lease retail assets. Many view an incoming Biden administration combined with a Republican-controlled Senate (should it remain as such after the January runoff elections in Georgia) as a government where the more controversial proposals, sweeping tax changes, and other dramatic legislative changes are less likely to occur. This gives confidence to investors that elimination of favorable tax codes like 1031 exchanges won’t be passed.
Original Article: https://www.cpexecutive.com/post/5-reasons-to-be-thankful-for-net-lease-retails-momentum/